This is a self written fully connected neural network with three layers, trained on the MNIST database of handwritten digits. For activation, I chose ReLu for the input and hidden layer and sigmoid for the output. The cost function is the mean squared error and the training algorithm is the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent. The weight and bias initialisation is a random number between -1 and 1. I did not chose any weight regulisation. It trained for 200 epochs with 64 samples per batch and a static learning rate of 0.5. It achieved 95% accuracy on the test set.
The network is written in C and compiled with Emscripten to run in the browser. The visualisation is a pure javascript canvas. The input is first centered around mass then rescaled to fit its bounding box into 200x200 and finally downscaled to 28x28. For communication between webassembly and javascript the HEAP macro of Emscripten is used. For floating points it was useful to transform them to a char array using C functions and interpreting that with javascripts parseFloat.
The MNIST dataset is filled with american digits, so it might not recognize your version of certain numbers.
Below the network can be tried out by drawing a digit inside the box and pressing the recognize button. Click on the fast forward button on the right of the upper canvas to progress more quickly.